i promised you a funny story about the 'quarter' quilt didn't i? well, once i'd pieced all of my leaves, which took forever, i wasn't really sure where i was going with it, so i took it to mum's and laid it on the floor for advice...she took one look at it and very regretfully told me that one or two of them looked like boobs in silhouette...well, of course once i'd seen a boob in one of them, i saw boobs in all of them and realised all my hard work had gone to waste and sat down to cry. but then i decided there's no way i was going to be flummoxed by a load of boob blocks and that i HAD to come up with an alternative...i started slashing and re-piecing so my boobs looked more like leaves again (now there's a sentence i didn't think i'd ever write!)
sometimes i think i get so involved with something i forget to take a step back and take in the whole picture - it took fresh eyes to see something that i just didn't notice until it was pointed out to me. but actually i relish a challenge like this and once i'd got over my disappointment, the discovery of trying something else out and pushing my imagination was quite a buzz - and a bloody relief when it worked!
please excuse the quality of this photo, blogger seems to turn
a perfectly lovely image into something weird |
style='clear: both;'-
17 August 2013 at 13:18
17 August 2013 at 13:42
17 August 2013 at 16:20
17 August 2013 at 18:28
Katy Cameron
17 August 2013 at 20:57
18 August 2013 at 04:06
Anna Betts
18 August 2013 at 10:13
19 August 2013 at 10:52
Mrs Flying Blind...
25 August 2013 at 22:05
26 August 2013 at 22:10
I don't think I would have noticed it had you not said anything.
I got your book in the mail the other day ~ love it! Can't wait to start doing a little improv!
Now why didn't you show us the boob picture!??
Pretty quit anyway and no boobs that I can see - sadly!
Yea, it's a nice quilt & all but we all so want to see a picture of the boobs!!! ROFLMAO!!!
Lush x
Definitely need boob pics! Finished quilt is fab by the way.
Loving the slashed look, but we have to see the boob pics now!
That is funny :) I think it's gorgeous. Once you click on the image it comes up as a large photo and you can see all the beautiful detail. Kx
Too funny! But it looks awesome! I remember a uni crit one day where we were presenting editorial illustrations we'd been working on and my friend turned up with an image of a roundabout that - completely unintentionally - looked like a swastika, and was mortified. Luckily the feedback gave her the chance to change it, can you even imagine??? xxx
Boob quilts are very artsy though. I saw some pube ones at FoQ...
Nothing wrong with a bit of boobage, but love how it turned out xxx
Your book made it to Australia yesterday I love it cannot wait to start having fun making blocks today.
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