i love the idea of making little zipped pouches...i've crawled t'internet for various tutes and advice and i really thought i'd got it sorted in my head. so after printing my 'totem' fabric on saturday, i proceeded to make one. (top pic) while it's not a total disaster, i didn't get that joyful feeling i should have had when i finished it. i really hate how the zip looks crappy on the edges, it drives me bonkers. am i just being fussy? i thought about it alot over sunday, and wondered if the solution lay in adding little fabric tabs the the ends of the zip before sewing it together, which would mean no tricky zip jiggery-pokery when stitching up the sides. i've just finished making a new pouch (bottom pic) and while it's better, it's still not perfect. i think i'm going to give up.
style='clear: both;'-
9 June 2008 at 12:16
lu summers
9 June 2008 at 12:19
PhatSheep Textiles
9 June 2008 at 12:34
9 June 2008 at 15:19
9 June 2008 at 16:26
Don't give up!
I just got over my fear of the zipper last week!!
You are on the right track grasshopper!! The little fabric tabs are the trick. Make them longer. And make sure that they point towards the lining when you fold. have a look on my flickr page you can see pouches I made from the top. You can also sew closer to the zipper with a zipper foot. I find that looks neater.
Don't give up! I feel your displeasure, but it's worth it!! :-)
thanks zenzhey! off to take a peek at your flickr :)
I think they look pretty good, and anywy people will be so impressed at your fabric that they won't be paying any attention to the zipper!
I agree they are a nightmare to get even and neat, a zipper foot is a good help though, don't give up :)
You did a great job! But I know what you mean. When I made a few, they did the same thing. I like the black and white fabric you used on the one.
I'm having the same problems too. Even with a zipper foot I still find it tricky. If you find the answer please do put it on your blog!
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