Thursday 26 June 2008


a new (well, not very new, just new to etsy) collage sketch has just landed in the shop.
feeling a bit low today, really tired and hoping against hope that this is as bad as i'm going to feel - there's a bug going around, again. tomorrow night we're doing a camp-out at frank's school, lots of fun and frivolity expected and no sleep. i don't do too well on no sleep, but listen to me, moaning away. it'll be fun. right? it will be fun, won't it? it'd better not rain. bloody hell, camping in the rain, about half a mile from home. fun, fun, fun.


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Francesca said...

that collage is lovely lu. surely if it pisses down you can leg it home non?

Francesca said...

no way?! are you from the same town? she's really lovely.
and get this...she works with the 2 women that gave my son his distraction hearing test! wowzers!

none said...

toast some of those lovely banana things in tin foil with chocolate through the middle, that will chirp everyone right up. D'you know the ones? Split a banana open, drop chocolate buttons down the middle, then wrap it back up in foil and stick it on a fire or bbq for a bit - the choc melts and goes all yummy. mmmmm wish I had one right now

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. It is a lovely collage.

Anonymous said...

Your and Francesca's comments have made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.. thanks!