Friday 29 August 2008

product faffing

to borrow a word from francesca, i've been faffing with new product shots. i'm beginning to run out of cool props though, so perhaps a charity shop/jumble sale/car boot sale rummage is called for this weekend. all the colourways above are in my summersville shop. i'm pretty pleased with how it's going so far - 5 sales, oh happy day :) also this weekend i shall be faffing with a new fabric design...stay tuned folks!


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Francesca said...

oh my god! you've got blue lady! (that's what my son calls her). i had her when i was little and now he likes to throw her around the sand pit! is your blue lady 30something too?

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

I love your putting props in with the fabric. Just lovely! Helps give it proportion and sense of scale without that pesky, ugly ruler.