Thursday, 29 January 2009


i remembered what it was i'd forgotten to show you the other day! i've got two new designs! how stupid am i? i've been working on these for ages so goodness knows how i managed to forget. anyway, this is the first one, called alphabetty. i've only got pics of this one so far as my camera battery has just died...


style='clear: both;'
Anonymous said... 1 2

Oooooh love them!

Anonymous said... 3 4

How lovely!

Anonymous said... 5 6

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

[Faintly incoherent]

How lovely for a day book ;)

Anonymous said... 7 8

how spooky! I've designed an "alphabet" fabric too - great minds must think alike hey?

Courtney Cerruti said... 9 10

I Love these! The hand drawn type is especially charming and I collect alphabet books and fabric...needless to say I love them. beautiful work!

Knit Sew City Girl said... 11 12

I really like your fabric covered books! So cool. The alphabets are cool too.


Anna Betts said... 13 14

These are so yummy! My lecturer was telling us the other day how most of his illustrator friends are being hired solely for their hand-drawn type skills. You're just SO on trend! I'd love to see this in an olive green...
Anyway, hope everything is going well on the farm xxx

sue bulmer said... 15 16

scrupmtious (trying to be riginal with choice of words here as wll mine have already been used up!!)
Love It

Luna Levy said... 17 18

Hi Lucie,

First of all happy 2009 and congratulations on moving into your new house, despite all of the stress involved with a move. I KNOW how difficult that is with children and renovations, but hang in there!

I wanted to let you know that I have a new "artists who blog" site where I have collected all of the old and new interviews (yours included of course). It would be great if you could drop by and tell me what you think. I am in the process of adding all the artist links.

All the best to you - and oh, I loved that book cover, how exciting!


JuicyFig said... 19 20

it can be hard work to keep up with this blogging lark!

They are lovely!
